Jakarta – Setara Institute for Peace and Democracy National Council Chairperson Hendardi says that the reshuffle of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet on Monday July 17 is the worst kind of political display at the end of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's last
Documents containing the term 'Johnny Plate'

Woman: Investigate it thoroughly, don't lose the signal Mr!
Man: After this, who's next...

Nirmala Maulana Achmad, Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD says that many civil society movements emerged during the era of reformasi – the political reform process that began in 1998 – but they w

Women: So they want to struggle for us right, Mr?
Man: It seems so... (sign reads "Legislative candidate registration")

Jakarta – Internet users or netizens are protesting a Communication and Information Technology Ministry (Kemenkominfo) policy of blocking technology companies such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram if they fail to register as private Electronic System Providers (PSE).

Signs read "State secrets for sale", "Important data", "Private data" etc.
Writing on snail reads "Draft Law on Cyber Protection and Security (RUU KKS), Draft Law on the Protection of Private Data (RUU PDP)"

Rakhmat Nur Hakim, Jakarta – The government's decision not to repeal the Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) Law is not in accordance with the spirit touted by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo when he initially responded to the polemic over the catchall or ambiguous articles in the law.

Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition has criticised the appointment of a team to review the Information and Electronic Transaction Law (UU ITE) through a decree issued on February 22 by Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD.

Irfan Kamil, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid says that the government's decree banning, disbanding and halting all organisational activities by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) has the potential to discriminate against and violate the right of association.